Hotslings Baby Carrier – Worth The Money?

This modern Familiar Hotslings Baby Carrier is one of the most comfortable baby carriers available. It is well padded, simple to put on and baby will love it.

Hotslings pouches are an modern design that combine fashion with function. Just because you are a mommy (or dad) now doesn’t mean you will be stuck with a plain and uninteresting baby carrier no one will notice. Nor will you be stuck with a front pack that only is ok for your baby’s first few months. This baby carrier also spreads your babies weight across a wide area (unlike many other carriers) almost eliminating shoulder pain.

Features & Benefits:

  • Fantastic single piece design
  • No catches snap on buckles
  • Well padded for a snug fit
  • Very Small and compact
  • Can be folded flat enough to put in diaper bag

If you are looking for a fashionable, comfortable to wear, inexpensive and simple to use baby carrier you need search no further than the Hotslings Baby Carrier.

November 16, 2008 at 2:03 pm Leave a comment

Is the Beco Baby Carrier the Best?

The Beco Baby Carrier is a neat and soft structured baby carrier which not only gets the job done but looks fabulous as well. Because your infant is in close proximity to your torso when in the sling it makes carrying her simpler and is less strain on your back and around the shoulders. Many other infant carriers let your child to sag down and drawaway from your torso – trust me this can hurt after a very short time.

One of the design features of this carrier permits you to give your infant to somebody else without having to take out your baby first. This is a great time saver and means that if child is napping you don’t have to trouble her. Cleaning is easy to as the carrier it ican be washed in the washing machine.

Your baby will nap very well in this carrier as he is securly held and will feel very secure.
Alterations can be made at waist and shoulders meaning any sized child can be contained without compromise.

As long as you are no taller than 6 foot, no shorter than 5 foot and your child weighs less than 55 pounds then I can highly recommend this carrier. Because the maximum weight is so big you can use it even when your child is a toddler.

Take a more detailed look at the Beco Baby Carrier – click the link.

November 13, 2008 at 9:27 am Leave a comment

Are Baby Front Carriers Best For Baby?

Having had seven daughters and owned a childcare center for seven years, I have experienced a lot of equipment and accessories intended to make caring for babies just a little simpler.  If I had to do it all over again and was told I could only have one piece of baby equipment, without wavering, I would select a baby sling.  I did not own a sling for my first two children. I had never heard of them before, I had seen other parents using them but never made the connection with myself. I always thought they looked so challenging to use and to be honest they didn’t look to secure! It was only after reading reviews in the popular baby magazines and on the Internet that I decided maybe I should give one a try.

There are other hands free ways to hold your baby that I had examined; mainly front baby carriers and baby backpacks.  Some people really like these options, and they may be perfect for you, so let’s take a look at some of their features.

There are many brands of baby front carriers with slightly different features.  Graco and Baby Bjorn are two of the more fashionable brands.  With these carriers, two padded shoulder straps go over your shoulders and criss-cross your back. The straps adjust to accommodate various sizes and shapes that men and women tend to be.  The baby is then slipped inside a supporting pouch with leg holes.  The baby’s final position is against the chest with the feet dangling.  As the baby grows and gets bigger, many carriers let the baby face outward.  The things I did not like about the Baby Front Carrier is that it appeared uncomfortable to me.  If the baby fell asleep while in the carrier, it was challenging to gently remove her to lay her down in the crib.  Also, because the baby was in the front, she was in the way both physically and visually, making the accomplishments of such tasks as sewing, meal preparation, cleaning, caring for older children, et cetera more difficult.

Another option is a baby backpack, which is stood on the frame in order to insert the child.  Then the frame is elevated and slid onto the back of the mother.  I discovered that the baby got heavy quickly with this method.  Also, I didn’t like the fact that I had no visual contact with the baby while she was on my back.  Another challenge that I had was that I couldn’t just sit down and take a rest without having to first take off the backpack.  I personally didn’t like the functionality of the backpack for times when the baby fell asleep.  To Boot, it was rather bulky and took up quite a bit of space when it was not in use.

The greatest disadvantage with a sling is that, for some people, they take some getting used to.  Some people practice with a small dog or life sized baby doll.  It is easiest to look at videos or pictures of how others are using them to get ideas.  It may take a some time, but I personally feel it is well worth the adjustment period.
As you can see, I am a bit biased toward slings, but the other hands free baby carriers may be absolutely ideal for your requirements.  Look at all options and try a few out.  Whichever you select, you will be a happier, more productive new parent as you learn to incorporate the joy of raising your newborn with the other long list of tasks that you have.

November 10, 2008 at 12:32 pm 2 comments

Baby Backpack Carriers

If you have been curious about Baby Backpack Carriers and if they can help you, then let me tell you they absolutely can!  The choices are seemingly endless as you start your search, from the conventional front carriers readily available to the fashion slings being made vogue by actresses.  By doing a little research, you can find the ideal carrier for your life-style.
Be sure to try several different types on with your baby inside that way you can get a feeling for whether your going to be able to use it for extended periods of time. Also take the time to ask other Mothers what they think about their baby carrier. You may be supprised at some of the responces.

The front and back carriers leave babies in an vertical position, so may not be suitable for newborns, but they are good when you are going through the grocery store and your toddler gets the grab-its.  It keeps your baby safe and happy since they can’t run off because you are carrying them, and your hands are free.  If you go with a front carrier, look for one that you can change over to a backpack when your child gets older, as most kids enjoy the backpack until the age 3 or 4.  It also makes it fun and safe for acquainting your child to hiking, or any other activity where a stroller may not endure the terrain.

Baby slings are adept, and can be used for any age child.  Some convert for a sitting position to help you have your arms free if that is your childs preferred method of being carried.  Slings are my own preference, but you do have to tweak them a little to get them adjusted and to be comfortable. The only downside I can think of with a sling is that one hand needs to be available if an active baby tries to make an escape.

Why are slings and carriers so popular?  As well as the practical reasons of having your hands free, being next to your baby increases bonding.  It also soothes baby, and the rhythm of moving with you is comforting to your child.  Being at eye level with you (such as when they are in a backpack) gives the child or toddler an opportunity to see things from a different perspective. This is good stimulation and can help with brain development.

Once you have choosen your carrier, make sure you give yourself a little time to get used to it.  Sometimes you are using muscles you hadn’t used before; but once you get used to having your baby next to you, safe and happy, you wont want them anywhere else.  Your carrier may well become your most important piece of baby equipment.

November 9, 2008 at 2:31 pm Leave a comment

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